
This week:

Monday, 12/16 - Battle of the Books 5/6

Tuesday, 12/17 - NED Show @ 9:15

                            Student Council & Drama

Wednesday, 12/18 - Drama

Friday, 12/20 - 12:50 Dismissal/ Holiday Parties

Governor’s Teacher of the Year and Educational Service Professional of the Year

Charles Purcell - Health and Physical Education Teacher

Mr. Purcell is in his 10th year at Franklin School and is instrumental in keeping your kids healthy and active!

Lara Smith - Educational Service Professional of the Year

Mrs. Smith has been a paraprofessional at our school serving in a variety of roles.  She is currently working in one of our four preschools. She is also one or our extraordinary lunch room monitors!

Congratulations to both Mr. Purcell and Mrs. Smith for receiving this award. Well deserved!

Early Dismissal Friday - Hello Holidays! The students will be involved in many activities this week as we head into the holiday season.  Thank you PTA for sponsoring the holiday parties on Friday.  Remember to send in a snack on Friday as it is early dismissal and lunch will not be served.

Looking Ahead

December 23 - January 1, 2025 - Winter Break

January 2 - Return to School