Monday, 1/13 - Battle of the Books ⅚ & Volleyball
Tuesday, 1/14 - Drama, Legos, Video Club, Cooking
Club, Student Council
PTA Meeting 7pm
Wednesday, 1/15 -Drama & Chess
Thursday, 1/16 - Cooking Club
Friday, 1/17 - Neon Dance; Grade 1-3 5pm-6pm; Grade 4-6 7pm-8:30pm
Our Winter clubs begin this week. Please make sure that you are here at 4:20 to pick up your kids. Thank you to all staff for sponsoring. There is something for everyone!
Lost & Found
We have LOTS of nice articles of winter gear in our lost and found. We will be donating the items at some point. If you know of a missing sweatshirt, jacket, gloves, etc., please remind your child to look at the lost and found near the nurse’s office.
NED - Never Give Up, Encourage Others, Do Your Best
In December, we had a “Pay it Forward” assembly for all students, Preschool through 6th grade. The kids enjoyed the assembly, learned some valuable lessons, and were exposed to Yo-Yo tricks. The assembly was free to the school with the understanding that we agree to give the families an opportunity to purchase a Yo-Yo. There is no minimum sale amount. We simply allow the opportunity for purchase. If you are interested, please click the following link and pay online. This and next Friday, the students will receive their Yo-Yo. Thanks!
Looking Ahead
January 20th - Martin Luther King Jr. Day / NO SCHOOL