Monday, 1/27 - Battle of the Books ⅚, Volleyball
Tuesday, 1/28 - Drama, Legos, Video Club, Student Council
Wednesday, 1/29 -Drama, Chess & Creative Crafters
Thursday, 1/30 - Cooking, Board of Education Meeting @ 7:00
Half Way Mark!
Thank you parents for supporting our teachers this school year. It is hard to believe we are already half way through the school year! Please take a look at your child’s report card, Wednesday, January 29 on Genesis. In addition, your children will be taking mid-year assessments including the Developmental Reading Assessment that is given out 2 to 3 times a year for all students in Kindergarten through 6th grade. More information about this, and other assessments, will be sent out next week.
Lost & Found
We have LOTS of nice articles of winter gear in our lost and found. We will be donating the items at some point. If you know of a missing sweatshirt, jacket, gloves, etc., please remind your child to look at the lost and found near the nurse’s office.
Looking Ahead
February 17 - NO SCHOOL/Presidents’ Day